ASU HERO Workshop

February 29 – March 1, 2024
Alabama State University will host a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored 1.5 day intensive regional workshop scheduled for February 29 – March 1, 2024 for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) located in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
This workshop is designed for representatives from two-year and four-year institutions in this region to gain insight regarding the grant application process by providing direct access to NSF program officers for specific directorates. ASU is planning on having sessions dedicated to administrators, sponsored research officers (SROs), and faculty researchers that will discuss strategies to make grant applications more competitive. With this in mind, they welcome multiple individuals from each institution representing the various offices at your institution. Faculty researchers will benefit by engaging with program officers from biology (BIO), engineering (ENG), and geosciences (GEO). Additionally, there will be a special session dedicated to institutions who are new to NSF and interested in acquiring funding.