Applications are Open
Regional Introduction to Plasma Physics
A 9-week Summer Internship Program school for Alabama and southeastern undergraduates.
The ultimate goal of the program is to promote long-term relationships between students in the southeastern U.S. with investigators in Alabama. RIPP provides an intensive online two-week certificate course for students at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) to participate in lectures, laboratory experiments, and short classes in plasma science. The program also includes a hands-on 8-week plasma research experience at one or more of the 9 FTPP universities.
May 27 – July 25, 2025*

The NSF EPSCoR FTPP project intends to support interns at an NSF REU program at one of the FTPP institutions in Alabama. The SE REU program is a 10-week summer internship program for undergraduate students enrolled at HBCU institutions across the southeastern U.S.
The main goal of the program is to attract undergraduate students from HBCUs to research and graduate programs in Alabama. The SE REU program is envisioned to run in parallel to NSF REU programs at different institutions.
May 18 – july 25, 2025*
Corporate Internship Plasma Training
A 10-week Corporate Internship Plasma Training in AL (CIPTA) program with industry partners throughout AL. This program provides undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at an FTPP partner institution with internship opportunities with Alabama companies to learn about industrial plasma technology applications and prepare them for a transition into the AL workforce.
May 27 – august 1, 2025

International space weather camp
The International Space Weather Camp (ISWC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need — to understand the influence of the Sun on the space and upper atmosphere of the Earth and its related impact on the technological systems and needs of modern society.
More than twenty students from Alabama, Germany, and South Africa participate in a 4-week series of lectures, hands-on projects, experiments, and excursions as they learn both the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of Space Weather and solar and space physics. ISWC will be hosted by/at DLR in Neustrelitz in Germany for the first 2 weeks, and at UAH during the following 2 weeks.